• Membership provides availability 7 days a week.
• Membership letter.
• Advice and guidance on vaccines.
• Mapping: Who needs this
and who is in risk groups.
• Travel advice and information about entry rules,
quarantine requirements and certificates required
in other countries.
• Vaccination and certificates, as well as testing of
infection status and antibodies from previous
vaccines and undergone illness.
• We print prescriptions where appropriate.
• Travel vaccines, influenza vaccines, tick vaccines,
vaccines against pneumonia, vaccines against
meningitis, to name a few.
• We register all vaccines in Sysvak, and will be
available in your profile in Helsenorge.
We are not part of the national vaccination program from 0-18 years.
Office hours:
Monday throug friday ............. 08.00 – 16.00
Times outside this can be arranged separately.
Phone: 41 48 24 24
Distances: Tønsberg 45 min., Sandefjord 30 min., Larvik 20 min., Kragerø 45 min.
We are available for vaccinations Monday to Friday from kl. 08.00 - 16.00.
Times beyond this can be agreed separately. For questions or appointments,
fill out the form below or call us on tel .: 41 48 24 24